

Personal Hygiene Products

If a girl had her vaginal itching Then after having a period is it resolves

Is Vaginal Itching Resolves After Periods?

Vaginal bleeding is a biological process with women having uterus and ovaries. Mensuration is a 28-day cycle which is an average figure with bleeding typically lasting around 4 to 5 days. It’s a process when your body gets ready for pregnancy by thickening your uterus lining with the release of an egg from one of your ovaries. The uterus lining is passed, along with blood, out of the body through the vaginal opening.

It’s normal to feel itching in the vagina, on the vulva, or around your labia, and general pubic area either on or before the periods.

There are many underlying causes for this issue.

In this blog, we’ll talk discuss several reasons for vaginal itching and why the vagina and vulva might be itchy before your period.

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Yeast infection

The occurrence of repetitive yeast infections on the vulva and inside the vagina that occurs around every menstrual cycle is known as Cyclic Vulvovaginitis is caused by the overgrowth of Candida fungus. 

The growth of Candida is kept in check by Lactobacillus, in the vagina. And during the menstrual cycle, the pH affects the natural growth of bacteria in your vagina. When the good bacteria’s can’t function properly, then Candida fungus grows out of control leading to the appearance of several symptoms like:

  • puffiness around the vagina

  • burning during urination or sex

  • inflammation

  • rash

  • whitish-grey discharge which may look like cottage cheese

It is best to see a doctor if you get yeast infections often and can be treated with oral antifungal medication.


Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a foul, fish-like odour that often involves greenish, yellow, or grey discharge with, a burning sensation during urination, and vaginal itching. Bacterial Vaginosis is caused by hormonal imbalances due to pregnancy or menstruation — so if you’re itchy during your period, Bacterial Vaginosis may be the culprit.


If your vagina is itching, a sexually transmitted infection (STI) could be the culprit. Trichomoniasis leads to itching in the vulva and vagina.

The symptoms of trichomoniasis include:

  • burning sensation during urination or sex

  • frothy-looking vaginal discharge 

  • vaginal bleeding or spotting

Trichomoniasis can be cured with antibiotics. 


Feeling itchiness during your period, your pads or tampons could also be blamed especially if it’s made from scented and irritating materials.

To avoid happening it over and again, change your tampons frequently and try using pads instead of tampons every so often. And the healthier option is the use of menstrual cups reusable pads or underwear.


Your doctor might take a swab of the tissue inside your vagina or your vaginal fluid to view under a microscope to identify the cause of infection.

Home remedies

Home remedies for itching during menstruation include:

  • avoiding tight jeans, 

  • wearing cotton underwear

  • avoiding douches 

  • using unscented pads, washable pads.

  • For treating yeast infection

  • Insert yogurt into the vagina

  • taking probiotics to balance the pH of your vagina

Other Reasons for vulvar itching before your period

Vaginal dryness

Estrogen levels rise high followed by a quick fall in the days before your period. This can make things like day-to-day operations and sex not just itchy, but also painful.

Vaginal dryness is primarily experienced around menopause or a nursing mother.

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Using sex toys, scented period products like lotions and sprays really can irritate it. This can lead to that irksome itch.

These period products have ingredients that may cause irritation, itchiness, and mess with your natural pH, especially if you have skin sensitivities or allergies.

Save your favourite scents for your candle collection rather than your vagina, it may cultivate the itch.You should clean your vagina with just lukewarm water, your vagina doesn’t require a douche.